Thursday, January 1, 2009

Ward Christmas Party

I love the Christmas season. If there is one good thing about the cold, snowy winters in New York, it is having a wonderful white Christmas. I adore sitting in my living room, basking in the glow of the tree, listening to relaxing Christmas music. I take pleasure in hanging our handmade stockings, and I love the excitement of gift-giving and gift-receiving.

This year Christmas has been even more fun as Madeline has gotten older and is better able to comprehend what Christmas is all about. Even now, on the 1st, she will tell us that "Jesus is born." Now, before you get all "How sweet, they don't get caught up in the fake department-store-created consumeristic Christmas fiasco," realize that Madeline also LOVES Santa! In fact, she probably asks for him more than she tells us Jesus is born. I mean, Santa = presents! Who can blame her?

We had our ward Christmas party at church, complete with a visit from Santa. Madeline had already been eagerly pointing out all the Santas on display in the stores for weeks (like, since September, you know, when the “Holiday Season” begins at the stores). When Santa came waltzing down the chimney through the door she was so excited. We got in line, and she sat on his lap very quietly and not really smiling until she was handed a candy cane. Just like it was her cue, she got a huge smile on her face, and hopped down. It was so funny – like she pulled one over on Santa. Didn’t have to talk to him, but still got the candy. Being the candy fiend that she is, she ate her candy cane right away, and then begged to sit on his lap again. Well, why not, so we went over, and the exact same scenario repeated. Anything for that candy cane. For several days after this Madeline pleaded to "Go to church. See Santa!"

Oh yes, please notice her beautiful Christmas dress as well. Madeline and Joe picked this out together, and she could not love it any more. A sparkly, furry, gorgeous princess dress. I never took any full body pictures of her in this dress. Maybe I'll have to put it back on her just to get some.
Here we are with some friends waiting to be served by our waitstaff (aka the youth).

Most of the Santa pictures kind of turned out like this...

...but we did get one cute one!

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