Thursday, January 29, 2009

If You've Been Wondering...

why you haven't seen or heard from me in ages, the answer is I'm pregnant! Yay!

The unfortunate reality of my pregnancies is that I become a miserable heap on my bed or couch with a bucket next to me at all times. I think I have gotten dressed once in the last 2 weeks (church was canceled last Sunday). So, it is not that I am avoiding you, I just don't feel like chatting much. I'd rather lay around in agony while Madeline watches innumerable movies and virtually destroys our home with little to no consequences because I just don't have the energy. Did I mention we are excited to add another little bundle of joy to our family? No, really, we are. But if I don't sound that excited when you talk to me, just remember that it is hard to sound excited when you're just doing your best to hold a normal conversation.


Sara is crazy four my boys said...


Reese said...

CONGRATS!! Can't wait for another adorable Carlile kidlet. I'm sorry you're so least Madeline is old enough to fend for herself. Wish I was there to do your dishes or let you take a nap. So...what are the details?? How far along, due date, inclinations on boy/girl, etc.??? Next time you get around to blogging, include those! Miss you!

Jen said...

YAY! We are so excited for you guys!

Christina and Toni said...

That's great!! Sorry you aren't feeling good!! Let me know if there is anything that I can do for you k

Thueson 5 said...

COngrats! That is awesome! Joe can drop Madelyn off anytime on his way to work or whatever so you can lay on the couch in peace.

strong said...

Oh, I'm so happy for you and yet so sorry. Having just gotten over the sick stage, I have total empathy for you. Please let us help in anyway we can! Seriously.

Jolie said...

Hey, that's exciting news!!! Congrats, guys! I figured that you'd be making a big announcement any time, now that Joe's back.
(Side story. Do ya'll remember Nate and Emily Hall? Nate is in the Army and served a 15-month tour in Iraq a couple years ago. They had a baby 9 months after he returned. Oh, and so did about half of his unit. ;o)

I'm sorry to hear that you're so nauseous again. I can totally sympathize. I, too, get incredibly sick the 1st trimester. If it wasn't for that darn 1st tri. I'd have 10 more. It's a killer!

Jolie said...

p.s. How far along are you?

Anonymous said...

Roxanne--you've joined the two kid or more group, welcome!! :) It's crazy!! Happy Day!!