Monday, September 1, 2008

The Mischievous Life of a Two-Year-Old

Today was a classic example of what some may refer to as the "terrible twos." We got up this morning, bright and early, as most 2-yr-olds do. We read, had breakfast, and then commenced to get ready for the Labor Day picnic with our church. Nothing too unusual.

After my morning shower, I am getting dressed when I hear a muffled "Mom. Mom!" coming from the other room. As I walk to the back of the house I see a little movement in the dryer door window. Yes, my daughter has crawled inside the dryer, and yes, she has managed to completely shut the door behind her. She is all about doors being shut these days. I somewhat panic at the thought of her being trapped in the dryer, make a mental note to never leave that open again, and help her out. Much to my glorious surprise, she left a little present in the dryer for me! That's right, in the 2 minutes she was in the dryer, she managed to poop! Not to be too graphic, but at least it wasn't very messy so it was easy to clean up. Of course Madeline thought this was a great game and immediately tried to crawl back in. I stopped her from doing that, and brought her back into the living room so I could continue getting ready.

A couple minutes later, I realized it was mighty quiet out in the living room. Naturally, I went to investigate. When I found her, she was standing on the toilet with my face wash and my makeup sponge, and had squeezed about half the tube of cleanser onto her body, and was enthusiastically rubbing it in with the sponge.

"No, that's not lotion."
"Ahh!!" (Running bath water...)

After the bath, the first thing she did was run to the garbage can, pull out the sponge, and start beautifying herself again. Thankfully I was still right there, so I caught it before it got too far.

As soon as that is taken away, she spots the little container of m&ms I have in the bathroom for her potty reward, and she is begging for a treat. I tell her that she can only have a treat if she goes potty, and I ask if she has to go. Now, I have to say, she has been doing extremely well with the potty training, and I pretty much don't have to worry about her wetting her pants at home (pooping is another story...). So she said yes, she does have to go potty. Only, she is very excited about the prospect of getting a treat just for going potty, so she ends up peeing before she actually gets to the potty. Mind you, we were literally about 2 feet from the potty and she was already naked! The next thing I know, there is pee on the floor, on Madeline, on the potty seat, and a few drops in the potty.

All this, and it was not even 11 am yet.


Reese said...

Why do they have such an ability to make EVERYTHING more difficult! You are a good mom for being so patient! Last night we thought Paige was asleep only to find her washing her body and the bathroom with the toilet brush. Lovely.

Jen said...
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Lore Smart said...

Oh, wow, that was quite the morning. Whenever things get unusually quiet it is a sure sign they are into something. I'm sure it was a morning you were glad was over but definetly journal material that will bring a smile years from now. Thats what I try and think about at least when Dalan has his moments. Hee hee.

Holley @ Lunges and Lashes said...

this seriously kills me... that is so funny! but i mean.. not funny if it was happening to me. pooped in the dryer!?! amazing. and the peeing!?! oh man...