Monday, December 22, 2008

Falling Leaves, Falling Snow

A couple days after Joe got home he went outside to rake all the leaves that had fallen in our yard. With Madeline's "help" they raked 18 of those big, black garbage bags full of leaves - and that was just our front yard and driveway! That day I talked to him about buying a snowblower from our friends, and we agreed to get it.

Sure enough, the very next day it started to snow. Considering it was still October, we didn't think it would amount to much. I must've forgotten we live in the North Country. We got a lot of snow, and it wasn't even Halloween yet! Thankfully we were prepared and had just purchased a snow suit for Madeline the previous weekend. We didn't have snow boots for her yet, so we just put on her rain boots and had a ball playing in the fresh snow.
Joe stayed out and built a baby snowman to go with the big one, but I was way too cold by that point so I went in, and I guess I didn't get a picture of the snow family.

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