Monday, August 11, 2008

Early Birthday

We took advantage of the last few days together by celebrating Madeline's 2nd birthday a bit prematurely. Joe and I set up a swingset in the back yard, and Joe also put together a tricycle during her nap. Her favorite pastime is pretty much anything outside, but swinging probably tops the list. She was so excited when she woke up that she insisted on playing on the slide while Joe was finishing tightening all the screws, and then went right to the swings. She was so cute on the slide. She would climb up there, sit at the top, and then before she could slide down she would have to say, "One, Two, Threeee!" and then slide down. The swing set was a big hit for sure.The trike was also a winner. We got one that is three stages and you can have a handle attached to the back so the parent can push while the toddler is learning to pedal. Good thing Joe was here. He seemed to have as much endless enthusiasm for pushing her around as she had for being pushed around. She was just squealing and giggling the whole time. The only problem was she was in control of the steering, so they went in circles or into the bushes a lot.

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