Monday, August 11, 2008

Bye Bye Daddy, Hello Washington

After what seemed like only a couple days (although it was actually about 2 weeks) it was time to say goodbye to Joe. I had a business conference scheduled in Portland, that I had already paid for months in advance, thinking Joe would be home in August as originally planned (have I mentioned you can't count on the Army timeline?). I really needed to go to this conference, so Madeline and I actually left a couple of days before Joe did. It was really sad for us, and it gave Joe a taste of what we go through every time we drop him off. I think the hardest part was that Madeline did not understand why he wasn't going through security with us at the airport. She just kept looking at him and gesturing with her hand, saying, "C'mere."

Madeline stayed with my parents while I went to the conference, which was exceptional. I am so glad I went. We are working at building our online business to a level that will support us as a family so Joe can get out of the Army. We figured it was worth it to give up 2 days now for full time later. I know this is a shameless plug, but if you haven't seen our website, please check it out!

After the conference, we stayed for about another week to spend some time with friends and family, and celebrate Madeline's real birthday!


Holley @ Lunges and Lashes said...

that "cmere" thing is so cute, it breaks me heart just thinking about it. she is so adorable!

Lore Smart said...

Roxanne~Wow, so great to hear from you and look at your blog. Madeline is so cute, what a beautiful little family. I had no clue you where living in NY. wow, what an adventure. It must be so hard to be an army wife, i am always so impressed at how you do it. It sure takes a strong woman. I"m sure the time you do have together is never taken for gratite and how cool, a hot air balloon ride. What an awesome surprise for Joe. I looked at your website for your business, very cool.

Bonnie Bell Anderson said...

Thanks for letting me know about the Recommendations thing on google reader. I looked into how they choose blogs for that, and they find blogs similar to what you read and what you're interests are, and the other two that showed up along with mine (at least on my recommendation list) were Mormon ladies too, so maybe it'll be OK. I don't think I can ask google reader to take my blog off that list. Hopefully it won't be there long.

Anyway, I wanted to ask you if you're related to a Clark Carlile. I went to college with him.